You are already aware of cPanel cron job feature as its not the topic for today. But there is on thing that you might have faced many times which is getting too many email notices on your email id mentioned in notification area. Actual issue is, in case you are running cron on repeatedly with very short time gap then you will be getting exact number of emails daily. That could be hundreds of emails per day and thousands in a month which could be a serious issue when it is filling up your mailbox.
Now you must be thinking to remove your email id from the notifications but there isn’t any option to remove your email id.
How to remove email id from cPanel Cron Job
You can do it but not from cPanel, you must have access to SSH of your server. If you know how to deal in Linux commands then you can go for following method else you can consult with your system admin for this.
Step 1: Login to SSH
Step 2: Edit cron job file with following command:
nano /var/spool/cron/<username> (cPanel)
Step 3: Remove the email id from inverted commas
Step 4: Save the file and its done.