More than Ten years, of ultimate web hosting services, on unbeatable prices, used worldwide! Be a part of it. With our top level support your productivity will sky rocket.
Unsurpassed Performance:
Xoftmade maintains its technical infrastructure in highly prestigious data centers of USA , that is connected to a fully meshed and redundant with 11 backbone providers. Among all the servers maintained by Xoftmade, there exists a further VLAN that is safeguarded by a firewall. A very stringent observation of QoS parameters is what brings you the most reliable service.
Reliable and Friendly Support:
We at Xoftmade are committed to providing the fastest and the most responsive customer service. All the e-mails are answered within 60 minutes, and all calls are attended personally by technical/support staff. Providing the solutions, and not just hosting.
Providing the solutions, and not just hosting:
We realize the fact like no other that different people need different solutions and we provide solutions that will cater for your every need. Whether you are a individual and need a simple personal web site or represent an enterprise with that requires a complicated hosting solution, we have it.
Backup System:
Currently we are providing Backup facility free of cost. We take backups inside and on another separate server frequently twice a week, fortnightly and monthly backups always prevent customers from any data loss.
Single Click Apps Installer:
Every Shared / Reseller Hosting account contain single click apps installer. Which offer over 400+ apps to install on just a single click.