restart dns service

ERROR: “A DNS entry for domain already exists, You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the dns cluster to proceed.”

When server already contain a dns record / zone file against the same domain you are trying to host, then you will get this error.

Main Reasons:

1. Incomplete termination:
Most Common reason is when you terminate a cpanel account and it somehow not terminated properly and contain the dns records in server. Its possible due to some software bug or process crashes.

2. Keep the DNS zone:
There is an option (Keep DNS Zone) inside termination section, so when you terminate an account via WHM you can enable or disable that option. If enabled this option then you will face that error while creating the hosting again.


1. Most popular solution is to go (Delete a DNS Zone) inside WHM panel and find that zone record. if it exists there then simply delete it. After deletion you will be able to create hosting as normal.

2. In some cases you will be surprised to see that there is no record inside whm panel so there is another way to do so but its from SSH panel. Go to SSH by root user and edit file (/etc/named) inside that file you have to find the domain, it must be there. Just remove that part of the record and its done.

Example of the domain find result inside /etc/named file:

zone “” {
type master;
file “/var/named/”;

You have to remove these 04 lines and save the named file. After saving you can now create you hosting as normal.

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