When you are in rescue mode, you can access server via SSH under the server IP and the default port 22. The root password is the one which you have just received. We recommend PuTTy (command line) to access the machine.
You will probably need access to your data. Check first which partitions are available:
fdisk -l
The root file system is usually located on /dev/sda2 “or” /dev/vda2. Use the following command to mount the according partition:
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/
Your server files are now available in /mnt/
If you use Windows as operating system on your server, our rescue system can be helpful despite the different architecture. The C: drive is usually located on /dev/sda2 or /dev/vda2. The command to mount it with write access is a bit different:
ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt/
You are now set to modify configuration files or to retrieve personal data. WinSCP is perfect for those purposes.
When you have finished your work and want to boot your server normally again, enter the following command:
Your server should then boot from the hard disk again and be available as usual.
This was supposed to be a short introduction. Becoming familiar with the Linux shell and its possibilities is very advantageous. I can definitely recommend the tutorials on nixCraft for further reading.